Documented is an investigative watchdog and journalism project committed to holding the powerful interests that undermine our democracy accountable.

We believe that hard-hitting, investigative journalism is needed now more than ever.

Corporations and wealthy donors have far too much power and influence in our political and justice systems. Profits and shareholders are too often put ahead of everyday people. The very real and urgent dangers of climate change are being downplayed or ignored. Our democracy itself is under attack.

None of us are neutral in these fights, and we don't pretend to be. Documented works to level the playing field by pulling back the curtain on those in power to expose corruption. We publish and report on documents, audio, video and other materials that lay bare corporate interests and their network of operatives’ best laid plans to rig the system.

Documented passionately believes that investigative journalism that holds the powerful accountable, serves a critical role in society. To have as large an impact as possible, we frequently partner with other journalists and media outlets with far greater reach in both formal and informal capacities. We do this either as media partners, or as issue experts. If you are a journalist or editor, we have more details on how to contact us about partnerships here. We also occasionally provide our research to non-profits, academics, policymakers or other interested groups for use in their work.

The findings of our investigations have appeared in most (if not all) major US print, online and broadcast news outlets. This has included The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Guardian, The Intercept, NPR, MSNBC and CNN. Our research and reporting has been frequently cited by policymakers, in particular during congressional oversight hearings, and has been used repeatedly by campaign groups pushing for progressive change.

Our reporting is generally available for republishing under a creative commons license. For more information on our requirements for this see here. If you have information that could help in our reporting, then we have a number of secure ways to get in touch. See here for more information.

Documented does not receive any funding from corporations, trade associations or governments. If you would like to donate to help support our work, then please do so here.

The Documented Team

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Nick Surgey

Executive Director

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Brendan Fischer

Deputy Executive Director

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