Republishing our original reporting

If you are a reporter or editor and would like to republish our original reporting on your publication’s own news site, then we have some general guidance about how to do this.

We are publishing all content on this site that is tagged with “reporting” under a Creative Commons license (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives). All of these stories have a republish link on the top left which includes html republish-ready code. Note that this does not apply to our investigation pages, which are not covered by this license.

Under this Creative Commons license, the story must be published unedited and in full, with attribution to the original author (or if more than one author then all) and to Documented, and include a link to the original story. The html code in the republish link, which we ask you to use, includes all of this information. This license only applies to non-commercial use -

If in doubt, contact us via email:

Images published with our stories are not included under this general license, since image rights vary so much. There are circumstances where it may be possible to allow the re-use of some images, but please get in touch to inquire about this before publishing.

For any stories published on this site that are done in partnership with another media outlet (this will be clear from the story), it’s possible that there may be some restrictions on republishing. For these stories, please disregard this general guidance and get in touch with us before republishing.

Republishing materials (documents, videos, etc)

We have general re-use guidance for documents, videos and other materials published on the website. This appears alongside every published document/media file. In general, where the item was obtained by Documented (and we are described as being the source) we are happy for this to be republished or otherwise used in reporting, providing it is appropriately credited to Documented. For online media, we ask that in addition to citing Documented by name, you link to the original investigation page or story where this document appears, and/or the page on our site where we published the document. Where these materials are used for TV or radio, we just ask for a credit to Documented as the source.

If in doubt about any of this, please contact us via email: